Every Thursday
1—2 pm
Homeschool students who are pre-school through elementary grade levels* are invited to come to the library for fun and activities!
12/05: Build Wind-Powered Boats with Alisha from Kennebec County 4-H
1-2:30 pm (Please note the longer time)
Hands-on engineering at its finest! Using regular, everyday materials you can become an engineer. Through engineering challenges, you will be tasked with experimenting and reflecting as you build a boat that will travel on the tabletop using wind from a fan. No water is needed! Family teams and building are encouraged.
12/12: Game Day!
12/19: Craft Time: Maker Space Winter Creations - Create a winter masterpiece from the supplies we put out!
12/26: No HSH!
(HSH will resume 01/09/2024 : LEGOs with Friends)
*The Bartlett Room for Teens is available for older siblings!
Questions? Call 207-872-5433 or email