Waterville Public Library

Officially Fine Free for Overdue Materials!

Waterville Public Library items will officially no longer accrue overdue late fines! Patrons are still responsible for returning items and paying for lost or damaged materials. Patrons who have existing late fines will see those fines clear from their accounts. Any existing charges for lost or damaged items remain in accounts until items are returned in good condition or paid.
Effective 11.09.2023
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does this mean I can keep a book or other item for as long as I want?

A: Nope. Standard due dates still apply. The Library still has a set time limit for materials to be borrowed, and items should be returned on time. Fellow library patrons waiting for items are counting on timely returns. Please return materials when they are due so everyone can access our collections equally.

Library patrons will still receive overdue notices. Patrons will still be charged replacement costs for lost or damaged items. If you keep an item too long, it will still go to billed status, and a replacement charge will appear on your account. That charge will disappear when you return the item in good condition. While a replacement charge exists on your account, you will be blocked from checking out additional items until the charges are paid, or items are returned.

Q. Are there any exceptions to the fine-free policy?

A: Yes. There are a few important exceptions. Any items that Waterville patrons check out from partner libraries may still accrue overdue fines. Items checked out for longer than their maximum loan period will be charged to your account. That charge will be waived when the item is returned in good condition. Some exceptions may also apply with regard to inter-library loan items that have gone to billed status.

Q. What other types of charges may still be incurred on my library account?

A. If an item is not returned after the final overdue notice, it will be considered lost, and a replacement cost will be charged to your account. Those fees will be waived if the item is returned to the library. Additionally, you may still be charged if an item is damaged or a part is missing from an item when it is returned.

Q. What if I have fines on my account from before this change was made official?

A. Most existing overdue fines will be waived, and your card will be cleared. Any existing charges for lost or damaged items will still be the cardholder's responsibility. However, if those items are returned to us in good condition, we will happily waive any associated fees. Please feel free to stop in and talk to us if you don’t see your fines disappear or have questions about charges on your account.

Q. I think of fines as a way to support the library. How do I continue to support the library?

A: We are fortunate to have a generous community! The best way to support the library is to make donations. We have a variety of ways to do that: at any of the Library service desks, by mail to the Library, or online via the link on the library website: www.watervillelibrary.org. Please let us know if you want to support the Library in other ways!


-Posted on November 9, 2023